Etsy has made sweeping changes to its constitution and will from midsummer no longing be accepting vintage items and only limited supplies. This is a resource for those customers who want to find out where their favourite etsy shop has gone now. If you wish to be added please email me at alandsi@tesco.net or convo me at my still just about legal etsy shop www.unicorn.etsy.com.

Friday 4 May 2007


For those of you unaware, Etsy has made changes to what it now allows on its website and in its shops. From midsummer you, as customers, will no longer be able to buy vintage items and supplies will be extremely limited. Here is a list of etsy shops and where they can now be found. I hope this will be of some assistance to those who have found that perfect shop only to realise that it's no longer open on etsy.


artandghosts said...

a wonderful resource, thanks for creating it!

Unknown said...

I like what you did here, this is going to be a fantastic resource!

I'll add your blog to my links section too. :)


alisej said...

Thanks all. Shilo - I've added the link. Look forward to seeing ours on your site. unicorn.

Vintzy.com said...

There is now a Vintage Marketplace site up and running. I was inspired to create it upon reading of the newly disallowed items. The site is here:


Promotional advertising to draw in visitors to the is taking place as you read this post.

The site's first day up and running was Sunday (March 4th) and by Monday at noon, (March 5th) it already had almost 50 unique visitors. Pretty good for a first half day!

Yes, it is new (the hosting company tells me it takes at least 2 days to get the DNS servers update and in the meantime, the site may be a bit unstable -- not because of the site, but because of the name servers.) Also, because it is new, yes, there may be bugs, typos, etc. Please don't hesitate to use the site's contact tool to report anything that isn't perfect.

Be sure to click on the Announcements link at the bottom of the homepage.
